As the server started to fill up on it’s 1tb of space recently, I had a bit of an epiphany that my intent with was at first a server for myself, living into the dream as Maxwell stated back in 2009: Enter your Diaspora “seed,” a personal web server that stores all of your information and shares it with your friends.
I shared this same view back in a post in 2010, and now 15 years later I still suffer with the concept that is not a production site, it is a preview of the code to gain interest in federated networking. I did this because I realized that Ruby was hard to use and people were generally unable to diy it on their own computer as the team intended. As things grew I asked for donations to help pay for the server, my assumption was that it was a testbed and sandbox, however I can see 15 years later that is still not the outside perspective, people see it as a permanent home like services such a gmail or drive, both google products where you are their product and free is not free.
I wrote poduptime as an attempt to show people the vast fediverse, however even with things like mastodon, you should be running your own server or computer and never hosting on someone else for a production site, you should own and control your data and performance and costs. You of course can use that tool to poke around the fediverse here
diaspora development (of which I am not in anyway a part of) has now slowed and stopped mostly now and very few others even support their protocol, my outlook is that it is time for me to move on and spending time everyday on reviewing things has become something I no longer desire to spend energy on and 2025 will be the year to shut things down and move on. has stopped signups and our last day will be April 1st 2025. Please download your data by then!
Thank you to Adam for the years of help, a few others that pitched in and of course folks who donated to help pay the server costs!
I hope everyone learned some new things, new ideas, new ways to approach this internet thing, my takeaway from that original kickstarter is We think we can replace today's centralized social web with a more secure and convenient decentralized network.
while I do not have an opinion if diaspora did that, I do know they disrupted the industry and opened the doors for many many others to keep that idea going!
Be excellent to each other! ♥
Update your donation/subscription please I will cancel them all out at shutdown if you have something re-occuring setup.
Live long and prosper, David
PS. Before anyone considers running a server for others please do your research, the legal fees for what others upload on your server are your responsibility as are the consequences of users actions if they happen to be illegal where you host the server!
percentage of users capable of running their own fediverse server instance… 0.1%. Generous estimate.
nice cop-out. thx for 1/∞
You are welcome, volunteering my time for a project I was not apart of for 15 years feels good.
Thank you for volunteering your time, services, and your own funds for a wonderful experiment in social networking. I will miss diaspora but I totally understand.
Best wishes in your future endeavors.
Sorry to hear this — I first moved over to Diaspora during the great Google+ shutdown, and have found it a nice, useful place to be. I’m not aware of a similar niche for medium-long-length blog-style work, though I’ll be keeping my eyes out.
Thanks, David, for all your work here. I appreciate it.
Thanks David, I was wondering why I’d seen a paypal recurring donation cancelled and found this. Everything moves on eventually, best of luck with your other endeavours. Fingers crossed and will try to stay in touch with those i’m connected with elsewhere
adrian / ajft
Many thanks for your work, and for hosting me these last years. Good luck in your new projects